S. Carson Harvey

Board member

Carson is native to Maine, originally from Southern Maine, with deep connections to the Moosehead Lake Region. She has recently settled in the Midcoast, working as an attorney. She splits her time practicing real estate and corporate law, as well as child protection, serving as a Guardian ad Litem for youth in state custody. She studied Sociology and Political Science as an undergraduate at St. Lawrence University and received her law degree from Maine School of Law in the spring of 2020. Most of Carson’s previous work experience was in youth mental health, youth programming and education. She worked at Midcoast Youth Center as the program director, Woodfords Family Services as therapeutic support for children in foster care and completed an AmeriCorps year of service in New York City, working with under-privileged youth as a tutor, mentor and coach at a middle school. When not working, Carson enjoys visiting her family in Moosehead, volunteering at a horse farm, cooking, baking, as well as hiking, biking and exploring Maine’s natural landscape. Without much hesitation, Carson took advantage of the opportunity to join the Board of Hearty Roots. She was immediately inspired by the mission and by the folks involved. With her experience in child protection and youth mental health, she has seen the gaps and failures of over-burdened systems. She is a firm believer that meaningful programming run by thoughtful adults are the difference makers in children’s lives. The impact of one child feeling seen and heard ripples into their home, into their classrooms and into the community overall.