Lisa Katz
Board member
Lisa has lived in Damariscotta with her husband and 2 sons for 19 years. She moved from Monterey, CA, having lived there for 10 years, and this was coming home. Her kids have grown up in the rich outdoor world of Midcoast Maine and have become outdoor enthusiasts and stewards wherever they go in their travels.
Lisa is a clinical social worker who has worked with children, families, and adults for over 30 years. She has a private counseling practice in Newcastle and works at Lincoln Academy as a school social worker. She has offered kids' summer groups in the past, utilizing the therapeutic nature of the outdoors. Early in her career I took youth at risk on wilderness adventure trips like rock climbing, ropes course, backpacking, and rafting. All of these experiences and the creative, infectiously positive energy at Hearty Roots informed her decision to want to be part of the organization.
Things Lisa likes to do - hike the local preserves with herhusband, dog, friends. Get in or on the water as much as possible. Garden, read and laugh with her women's book group, cook and eat good food, do all the NYtimes puzzles - wordle, crossword, Spelling Bee, etc.