Our Policies

Scholarship Guide | Cancellation Policy | Waitlist Policy

scholarship guide

Sliding Fee Scale & Scholarship Guide

At Hearty Roots, we are committed to keeping our unique services accessible and affordable, providing everyone with equal access to our programs, and never turning a participant away. 

We are able to offer a pay scale with scholarship assistance with reliance on funding from donors, businesses, and foundations. We do our best to support any motivated participant who wants to participate in our programs. Availability of funding is based on the total number of requests and the amount of funding available at the time. 

We do not require income verification and ask that you assess on your own where you fit, and then select the most supportive pay level for your present situation. To determine your place on the scale, we encourage people to honestly assess their resources and consider the difference between a sacrifice and a hardship. If attending the program would be difficult, but not detrimental, that qualifies as a sacrifice. You may have to cut back on spending in other areas to prioritize participation in the program. If attending the program would be detrimental to your financial health and affect your ability to meet basic needs, that is considered a hardship.

A sliding scale requires honest and thoughtful consideration of the complexities of income, wealth, class, race, and other forms of inequity that affect an individual’s ability to pay. We trust that participants will choose a sliding scale amount that reflects what they are able to pay, and also reflects their desire to support others in accessing our programs.

We do acknowledge that income alone does not provide a full financial picture and life has its unexpected financial complications. Please review the circumstances below to help you assess the most supportive place on the pay scale for you and your family. 

Consider paying less on the scale if you: Are supporting children or have other dependents; Have significant debt - medical, education, etc…; Have ongoing medical expenses not covered by insurance; Receive public assistance; Have immigration-related expenses; Care for an elder with limited financial support 

Consider paying more on the scale if you: Own your own home; Have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money; Travel recreationally; Have access to family money and resources; Have a high degree of earning power due to education, race, or gender privileges; Work part-time by choice or could do so

Pay Scale & Scholarship Options for 2024:

  • Tier 1: Pay Full Price & Donation Support Our Programs 

    • Paying full price for this program does not present a significant financial sacrifice. I have the ability to redistribute resources and increase access for others by giving a donation to Hearty Roots. 

  • Tier 2: Pay Full Price 

    • Paying full price for this program is comfortable for my family or this price may be a sacrifice, but I can find the resources to do so.

  • Tier 3: 25% Scholarship: Use the Code ELM at check out

    • Paying full price for this program presents minor financial hardship, and a 25% scholarship would be most supportive for my family

  • Tier 4: 50% Scholarship: Use the Code PINE at check out

    • Paying full price for this program presents somewhat of a financial hardship, and a 50% scholarship would be most supportive for my family

  • Tier 5: Additional Financial Support: Reach out to Amanda at amanda@heartyroots.org if additional financial support is needed.

    • Paying full price for this program presents a significant financial hardship. 

Cancellation Policy

If Hearty Roots Cancels a Program:

Hearty Roots reserves the right to cancel or alter any aspect of our program, including program itinerary, trip dates, activities, or location, as a result of unforeseen circumstances, including weather, environment, or health hazards. If Hearty Roots cancels a program all registrants will be refunded, including deposits. We will also invite registrants to transfer their payment to another program. Whenever possible, we make our cancelation call with as much notice as possible. If Hearty Roots alters or cancels a program, it will not be held responsible for any incidental or consequential costs, damages, or fees, for example, fees associated with your canceled travel reservations, equipment purchased for the trip, substituted programs, or other costs or fees.

If a Participant Cancels Their Registration

We understand and acknowledge that life happens, so we also want to offer support for families as it’s possible for our organization. If an unforeseen circumstance or emergency hinders your ability to get your child to a program, please reach out to Amanda at amanda@heartyroots.org and she will check in with you about payment/refund options. 

  • Program deposits or 25% of the registration fee are non-refundable.

  • Families canceling their child’s enrollment up to 30 days before the program start date will forfeit their deposit; any other payments will be refunded.

  • Families canceling their child’s enrollment within 30 days of the start of the course will receive a 50% refund. 

  • Families canceling less than 7 days before the start of a program will not receive a refund

  • Families whose child fails to show up for the program or leaves a program early for any reason, including if the participant chooses to return home early or if there is a medical event will not receive a refund.

Waitlist Policy

If the Hearty Roots program you hope to register for is full, you can add your name to the waitlist and we will notify you when a space is available. There is no fee to add your name to the waitlist and there is no obligation to attend if you are accepted. We cannot predict if a space will become available and may not be able to respond to inquiries about your place in line (in the summer months, we get a lot and it's hard to keep up!). If a space becomes available in a program within a week of the start, we may email the entire waitlist and offer the seat on a first-come, first-served basis.

Thank you to the following organizations who helped us shape and articulate our policy: